Issues of importance to those that know that we are all part of god

now read this

Approach everything with a clear mind.

New Study Finds that Babies Cry in the Womb- "even the bottom lip quivers"

CHARLOTTE, North Carolina, August 26, 2005 ( – A new study has revealed that unborn babies cry within the womb. Ultrasound videos taken of infants within the womb revealed 28-week-old babies crying in response to a noise stimulus.

Dr. MitchellScientists played a 90-decibel noise to the unborn child, roughly the equivalent of a tummy rumbling, and recorded the effect the noise had via ultrasound. “It was strikingly like an infant crying,” said New Zealand pediatrician Ed Mitchell, who contributed to the US study, according to New Zealand's The Age. “Even the bottom lip quivers.”

Up until now, it was known that infants born very prematurely at 28 weeks could cry, but it was believed that the infant only cried when air had entered the lungs after birth.

The findings, published in the journal, Archives of Disease in Childhood – Fetal and Neonatal Edition, reinforce the fact that babies experience pain and discomfort well before many abortionists claim. “We actually still do things to babies without anaesthesia,” professor Mitchell added. “Maybe this is a wake-up call to obstetricians and neonatologists.”

Commenting recently on the issue of fetal pain, Dr. Paul Ranalli, professor of neurology at the University of Toronto, said: "Across the nation, Neonatal Intensive Care Units (NICUs) are full of bravely struggling preemies . . . The only difference between a child in the womb at this stage, or one born and cared for in an incubator, is how they receive oxygen -- either through the umbilical cord or through the lungs. There is no difference in their nervous systems.
See the Journal article here:
See a video of the fetal cry provided by The Age newspaper here:


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